Create Your Own r_cycle Instrument

Create Your Own r_cycle Instrument

A step-by-step guideWords: Peter Kirnr_cycle is a free library that lets you build powerful tools for performance and production. In our primer on r_cycle, we got to know Pure Data (Pd), the open-sour … Read more
Freedoms Found in Isolation

Freedoms Found in Isolation

Musician/Composer Baths discusses his positive experiences with isolation.Words: Will Wiesenfeld aka Baths / GeoticIsolation is so strangely polarized in our minds. It’s the dogma of introverts and th … Read more
Learning In Isolation

Learning In Isolation

Teaching yourself something new can take your musical creations to new places. Find out how to be a successful learner.Words: Maxime RobillardLearning something new can be a challenge. As children and … Read more