Novation Express Yourself Pride T-Shirt

'Express Yourself' Pride T-Shirt

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Celebrate Pride and "Express Yourself" in this 100% cotton, custom designed, limited-edition Novation soft white T-shirt

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Celebrate Pride and "Express Yourself" in this custom designed, 100% cotton, limited-edition Novation soft white T-shirt!

Your purchase today will directly support the lives and wellbeing of the LGBTQ+ community.

All proceeds* from this T-shirt are being donated to GLAAD, who concentrate on accelerating acceptance for LGBTQ+ people specifically within the entertainment industry, working through news and digital media to share stories from the LGBTQ+ community. 

GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ+ acceptance. Founded as a protest against defamatory coverage of LGBT people, its agenda has since extended to the entertainment industry and its portrayal of these groups. As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change. GLAAD protects all that has been accomplished and creates a world where everyone can live the life they love.

For more information, visit

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