Welcoming Ableton Live 11

New features bring deeper and more expressive creative possibilities

Ableton Live 11 is here, and it comes with some amazing new features and devices for amplifying your creative spark.

Top of the list for Novation controller users is the compatibility with the polyphonic aftertouch capabilities of Launchpad X and Launchpad Pro [MK3]. In Live 11, your pad becomes even more expressive than before, and you don’t even need to update your Firmware: it’s been supported since day one. (Though we do recommend that you keep your firmware up to date.)

Also new is take recording and comping. Live 11 organises multiple passes of an audio or MIDI performance into individual takes, so you can pick the best moments of each performance and combine them to create your perfect take.

For audio editors, linked-track editing allows you to link two or more audio or MIDI tracks and edit their content simultaneously. Perfect for keeping multi-tracked drums and stacked instruments in time during the editing process.

Live performers will love the new tempo following feature, which listens to incoming audio and adjusts the tempo in real-time. There are also new note and velocity chance settings that let you define the probability that a MIDI note or note velocity will occur. This adds variation to your patterns and inserts a human feel.

There are several new devices in Live 11. Hybrid Reverb combines convolution and algorithmic reverbs so you can put your sound in any space, real or imagined. Spectral Resonator breaks the spectrum of incoming audio into partials, then stretches, shifts and blurs the result for radical frequency-warped effects. Spectral Time transforms sound into partials and feeds them into a frequency-based delay, resulting in metallic echoes, and reverb-like sounds.

Much more is included, and we’re excited to get creating with the new functionality.

Find out more about Ableton Live 11
